Diaspora Account


Calling all Burundians abroad! Stay financially connected to your loved ones and invest back home with the specially designed Diaspora account. Whether saving or investing in foreign or local currency, this account offers the same services as if you were in Burundi, providing the ultimate solution to Diaspora banking for a seamless financial experience.

  • Only Individuals can open this account;

  • Can be opened and operated in BIF/USD/EURO;

  • Minimum opening balance of BIF 20,000 for account in BIF and 50 USD/50 EURO for accounts in USD/EURO;

  • Eligible to earning interest on savings account and fixed deposits (6% per annum for BIF

  • / 2% per annum for USD);

  • Internet banking with free online access to the account;

  • Transfer fee: 0.5% on both incoming and outgoing transfers (normal rates are set at 1%);

  • No account maintenance fee.

  • Easy to open while abroad;

  • It can be operated while a customer is out of the country through Internet banking;

  • Freedom to save in all major currencies (USD, EUR);

  • Easy and fast money transfer facilitation;

  • Dedicated Relationship managers;

  • Affordable fees;

  • Eligibility for mortgage loan: Ku Gatumba Loan;

  • Possibility of transferring from local currency account to wallets (Ecocash, Lumicash) through Internet Banking.

  • Application forms properly filled and signed by the applicant, 1 recent photograph of the account holder must be attached, and sent electronically in a PDF format;

  • Copy of Permanent Resident Card showing Country or Citizenship or Burundian Passport (for Burundian national living abroad);

  • Copy of Work permit and Valid Burundian Passport (For Foreign Nationals of Burundian Origin);

  • Any acceptable identification bearing physical address and having a photo (health card, driving license …);

  • Signed and scanned document to be sent on Diaspora.bi@crdbbank.co.tz, 

  • Eligibility for KU GATUMBA LOAN;

  • One must be Burundian;

  • Maximum age limit shall be 55 years;

  • One must be gainfully employed in their resident country;

  • One must demonstrate the ability to repay;

  • Have had a regular monthly income for the last 6 months;

  • Be able to make at least 35% equity contribution;

  • Be cleared from the Central Bank list of defaulters.

If you wish to contact the Bank for more information, you may call/ send a message on WhatsApp on the number +257 69 199 000 or send an email on the address diaspora.bi@crdbbank.co.bi

You will find all necessary forms below:

  • Specimen;

  • Account application form;

  • Indemnity form;

  • Terms and Conditions;

  • Internet Banking application form;

  • Internet Banking Terms and Conditions;

  • Internet Banking Indemnity form.

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